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Certification Status

조달우수제품 인증
조달우수제품 인증 Procurement Excellence Product Certification
  • Multi-Vehicle Simultaneous Enforcement System based on High-Resolution Video with Screen Splitting
특허 Patent
  • Method for Recognizing Multiple Vehicle Numbers and Extracting Multiple Evidence Photos Simultaneously using Long-Range Captured Video
  • Mobile Illegal Parking Automatic Enforcement System and Method utilizing Tablet PC
  • Device and Method for Recognizing Vehicle Numbers based on Enlarged Images
  • Deep Learning-based Illegal Parking Enforcement System utilizing Wide-area Detection Imagery
  • Automatic Correction System for Vehicle Enforcement Area Coordinates
기술혁신형 중소기업 인증
기술혁신형 중소기업 인증 Certificate of Inno-Biz
  • Certification as an Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprise
GS인증서 GS Certificate
  • Multi-Vehicle Simultaneous Enforcement System v1.0 based on High-Resolution Video with Screen Splitting
  • Illegal Parking Enforcement System v1.0 based on Deep Learning utilizing Wide-area Detection Imagery
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 ISO 9001
  • Quality Management System Certificate
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 ISO 14001
  • Environment Management System Certificate
벤처기업확인서 Certificate of Venture Business
  • Certificate of Venture Business
기업부설연구소인정서 Recognition Certificate for Corporate-affiliated Research Institute
  • Recognition Certificate for Corporate-affiliated Research Institute
품질인증 (Q-Mark)
품질인증 (Q-Mark) Quality Certificate
  • Quality designation Certificate (Q-Mark)
성능인증서 Performance Certificate
  • Performance Certificate